The Tangkhul Katamnao Long Delhi (TKLD) is a student union of the Tangkhul Naga community with a membership of around 10, 000 people in Delhi. The TKLD became an autonomous union under the Naga Student Union Delhi (NSUD) on 1st February 2003 although it had been functioning under the Tangkhul Katamnao Delhi (TKD) since 1994. 

The TKLD carries a huge responsibility to look into the well-being and affairs of the Tangkhul Community in Delhi although primarily formed for the students in Delhi. The broad areas the union look into are especially in organising events that would bring together the community, such as the Yarthot Kazip (Fresher’s Meet), Luira Phanit (Seed Sowing Festival), Sports cum Literary Meet, Seminars on various topics, and such others. 

Running the union also brings huge social responsibilities such as organising condolence services for the untimely demise of any community member in Delhi, Registering FIR for injustice met to community members, assisting community members in sickness, and also in financial help as well as legal help. 

For any assistance or query, the TKLD executives and its coordinators are ready to give you a helping hand. Email: tkldelhi@gmail.com

History of TKLD

Ever since the formation of the Naga Students’ Union, Delhi (NSUD) on 25th August 1963, the NSUD has been functioning under a unitary system. However, with the increase of number of Naga Students’ in Delhi, the unitary system could no longer absorb the pressure and function effectively. With pros and cons, the debate on restructuring the working system continued for several years. After much deliberations and discussions, a resolution was adopted by the general body meeting to form a quasi-unitary system in 1994.

The quasi-unitary system allows each and every Naga community to constitute a convener, who was to be assisted by two Representatives in their respective communities. Under the quasi-unitary system, the Tangkhul Katamnao Delhi (TKD) was formed as one of the units of NSUD. Since then, the Convener and the Representative has been executing the internal affairs of TKD. However, the debate on moving towards a more federal like structure continued within the NSUD. This motion was moved strongly by some of the units. On 1st February 2003, the NSUD general body meeting finally adopted the proposed federal-like structure placed before the union by the NSUD’s constitution review committee. Under article 6 part A clause3 & 4 allows the various Naga Student communities to form its own union within the umbrella of the NSUD.

Under article 6 part A clause 3 & 4 of the NSUD’s Constitution, the Tangkhul Naga Student Community resolved to form a union (long) in Delhi. This is historical moment for the Tangkhul student community in Delhi to organize and form their own autonomous union under NSUD for the first time in the National capital region of India. 

Following the amendment to Article 6 of the Naga Students’ Union Delhi (NSUD) constitution, the Quasi-unitary system of the students’ body was discontinued and a federal-like structure was adopted on 1st February 2003 and the Tangkhul Katamnao Delhi became a fully fledged union.

In the early 1990s, the Tangkhul Naga Community in Delhi initiated for the formation of Tangkhul Christian fellowship (TCF) in Delhi with much debate and deliberations. Since the formation of TCF in 1993, the students and some of the elders organized and manned the various activities of the fellowship under the chairmanship of Chaplin was established in 1998 to take care of the internal affairs of TCF.

List of Presidents

  • Eno. Hangmi Raihing (2003-04)
  • Dr. Rammathot Khongreiwo (2004-05)
  • Eno. Somiham A Shatsang (2005-06)
  • Eno. Yurreikan Hungyo (2006-07)
  • Eno. Tamyo AC (2007-08)
  • Dr. Rovizo Marza (2008-09)
  • Eno. Tungrei Ngakang (2009-10)
  • Eno. Mark Lemza Raising (2010-11)
  • Eno. Ngachonmi Jonah (2011-12)Eno 
  • Eno. Leiyaza Huishu Wunga (2012-13)
  • Eno. Thothuingam Shinglai (2013-14)
  • Eno. Phungshok Khongreiwoshi (2014-15)
  • Eno. John Zimik (2015-16)
  • Eno. Shimri Raising (2016-17)
  • Eno. Sorinthan Haorei (2017-18)
  • Eno. Ngakuipam Shaizak (2018-19)
  • Eno. Masotmi Kashung (2019-2021)
  • Eno. Hansing Ngangzoyo Ahungshi (2021-2022)
  • Eno. Yaorei Horam (2022-2023)
  • Eno. Rinchuipam Zingkhai (2023-2024)
  • Eno. Nganingngam Pheiray (2024-2026)