NSUD Constitution





The name of the Union shall be called “Naga Students’ Union, Delhi”. 


The motto of the Union shall be “Strength in Unity”


The flag of the Union shall have blue-sky background which manifests and signifies our  distinctive identity. The flag shall have the Union’s emblem in the centre encircled by two twig  of green leaves which signifies our close association with nature. 


The emblem shall be a Morung, white in colour, signifying enlightenment, purity and sincerity.  The Morung signifies our common bond, fraternity and learning. 


(1) The official language of the Naga Students’ Union, Delhi shall be English. (2) All official communication of the Union shall be made in the official language only. 


(1) The territorial jurisdiction of the Naga students’ Union, Delhi shall extend to all areas  within Delhi and National Capital Region. 

(2) The Executive Jurisdiction of the Union shall extend to all the members, associate  members and the Student Units affiliated to Naga Students’ Union, Delhi. (3) There shall be no other Naga students’ organisation(s) in Delhi and National Capital  Region except the Naga Students’ Union, Delhi, which is the Apex Body of the  respective Student Units. 

(4) All the Naga tribes recognized by Naga Students’ Federation or Naga Hoho shall form  their respective Students’ Unit within the purview of the Naga Students’ Union, Delhi. (5) The Unit(s) shall function/operate within the framework of the Constitution of the Naga  Students’ Union, Delhi.  

(6) The Constitution of the Naga Students’ Union, Delhi is supreme and shall prevail in the  event(s) of conflict(s) between the Apex Body and its Unit(s). 

(7) No executive member(s) of the Union and its Unit(s) shall affiliate himself/ herself to any  organisation which may duly override the Constitution of the Naga Students’ Union,  Delhi. 


(1) There shall be two types of membership, i.e. membership in/of the Naga Students’ Union,  Delhi: 

(a) Primary Membership: All bonafide Naga students residing within Delhi and  National Capital Region shall be members of the Union. 

(b) Associate Membership: All other Nagas residing in Delhi and National  Capital Region may become associate members of the Union if they agree to  abide by the constitution of the Union. 

(2) Registration: 

(a) All the Naga students living in and around Delhi shall compulsorily register  themselves with the Union and such responsibility shall lie with the Executive  Council as provided under Article 20 (2). 

(b) Membership fee shall be collected once every tenure from all the members and that such fees collected shall be administered within the meaning of  Article Seven (1) sub clause (a) and (b). 

(c) The Executive Council may decide the membership fee from time to time as  per the necessity. 

(d) Those who failed to get themselves registered with the Union shall not be  entitled to avail the services and benefits from/of the Union. 

(3) Loss of Membership:  

Any member of the Union can lose his or her membership on violation of the  Constitution in words, actions or otherwise. Membership shall be restored after two years  unless it is decided otherwise by the executive in consultation with the House of  Representative. 



(a) Any Naga Tribe(s) who is not a constituent Unit member of the Naga Students’  Union, Delhi can affiliate themselves with the Union provided that the said tribe is  recognized by the Naga Students’ Federation/ Naga Hoho as provided under Article  6(4) of the Constitution. 

(b) Provided that such a proposal for affiliation is authenticated and approved by the  Naga Students’ Federation/ Naga Hoho, whichever applicable, and a written  statement of such authentication or approval be submitted to the Executive Council.  

(c) Provided that such a proposal is brought before the General Body Meeting for its final  approval.  


(a) Any constituent Student Unit member who is found to violate the spirit and integrity  of the Constitution of the Union shall be suspended from the Union 

(b) Provided that such a resolution is approved by a 3/4th majority of both the House of  Representatives and the General Body Meeting. 

(c) In the case of difference of opinion between the House of Representatives and the  General Body Meeting, the decision of the General Body meeting shall be final.  


(1) The Union may create special provision(s) for the Units which are not in a position to  form Union(s) due to lack of numerical strength if they so desired. 

(2) With the exception of cultural obligations, no competitive events shall be conducted on  the basis of Tribal Units by the Union. 


(1) In consonance with the ideals enshrined in the preamble of the Constitution, it is the  Fundamental Duty of every member of the Union: 

(a) To maintain allegiance and abide by the constitution of the Naga Students’ Union,  Delhi. 

(b) To uphold, defend and cohesively work for unity and integrity of the Nagas  irrespective of artificial territorial divisions. 

(c) To render service, actively participate and contribute to the cause of the Union in  his/her best ability. 

(d) To individually and collectively strive towards excellence in all spheres of  intellectual and physical activities. 

(e) To promote the basic human principles of peaceful co-existence and to adhere to  morally and socially accepted norms that shall project the good image of the Union  and the Nagas 

(2) The Student Units must ensure the compulsory attendance of a minimum of 5 (Five) members in every General Body Meeting and corollary activities of the Union. Failure  to comply with this provision shall authorise the Union Executive to impose monetary  penal fines, the amount of which shall be determined by the GBM from time to time.  


(1) The Union shall endeavour to promote cultural, educational and socio-economic interest  and programme of the Nagas 

(2) The Union shall preserve and promote the rich cultural heritage, customs and tradition of  the Nagas. 

(3) The Union shall safeguard the rights and well-being of every member of the Union. (4) The Union shall steadfastly fight against social, economic, educational and regional  injustices. 

(5) The Union shall strive for promotion of talents and attainment of excellence in various  fields. 

(6) The Union shall cherish, uphold and further promote the fraternity feelings among all  Naga communities in particular and humanity in general. 

(7) The Union shall fight anti-social elements and practices in any form. 

(8) The Union shall strive to preserve the ecology and promote sustainable environment for  the benefit of humanity.  


(1) GBM is the highest decision making body of the Union. 

(2) There shall be at least 2 (two) General Body Meeting in a calendar year. (3) The Assembly Affairs shall notify, convene and conduct the proceedings of the GBM. (4) The Assembly Speaker of the Union shall preside over the GBM. 

(5) The convening of the GBM shall be intimidated to the respective Units seven (7) days  in advance of the meeting. Provided, in case of Emergency, the GBM can be convened  within 48 hours by the Assemble Affairs in consultation with the Executive Council. 

(6) The Presiding Officer shall preside, adjourn and prorogue all meetings, and maintain  decorum of the assembly. 

(7) The Presiding Officer shall reject and accept agendas in consultation with the other  members of the Assembly Affairs. 

(8) In the absence of the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall assume the role of the Speaker.  In the absence of both, the Pro-tem Speaker shall be appointed for the session. (9) The Quorum of the General Body Meeting shall be formed by three-fourths of the Unit  Executive Council Members and at least fifty members of the Union.

(10) If a duly notified General Body Meeting cannot be held for lack of quorum, the  meeting shall be postponed and shall be held at any later date, not earlier than 4 (Four)  days and not later than 14 (Fourteen) days after the date originally fixed. No quorum  shall be required for such postponed meeting. 

(11) All ordinary decision(s)/resolution(s) adopted in the General Body Meeting shall be  passed by a simple majority.  

(12) Provided that all extra ordinary resolution(s) and those under Article 23(6) and Article  26 (3) shall require three-fourths majority of the members present and voting.  (13)All the constituting Units of the Union shall be given three votes to be exercised by the  President, General Secretary and the Women Affairs Secretary/Women Coordinator and  all the specified number of votes required for the adoption of resolution, mentioned  under (10) and (11), shall be counted based on this provision. 

(14)If any of the Unit Executive Members mentioned under Clause 12 is/are unable to  attend the meeting, the power of attorney, to be submitted to the Speaker, shall be  granted to any member(s) from the said Unit to cast his/her vote. 

(15)Before the voting on any resolution is undertaken, the Speaker shall allot time to the  Units to consult with their members attending the GBM and vote accordingly.  (16)In the event of tie of votes, the Speaker shall cast his/her vote. 


(1) Assembly Affairs shall comprise of Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Assembly Secretary and  Assembly Deputy Secretary.  

(2) Assembly Affairs shall be elected by the Electoral College and the said election shall be  conducted by the Election Commission in accordance with Article 25A and Article 25B of the Constitution.  

(3) Assembly Affairs shall summon and convene General Body Meeting (GBM) of the  Union: 

  1. a) At the directive of the Executive Council. 
  2. b) As and when necessity arises, provided that such a decision to summon and convene  the General Body Meeting is proposed/supported by two constituent Units of the  Naga Students’ Union, Delhi. 

(4) On the question of whether the matter under consideration is ordinary or extra-ordinary,  the decision of the Speaker in consultation with the Executive Council shall be final.  (5) All the Union’s GBM will be convened and presided over by the Speaker. In the absence  of the Speaker, the deputy speaker shall take over the charge. 

(6) Assembly Secretary shall record and maintain all the affairs of the GBM. In the absence  of the Assembly Secretary, the deputy secretary shall take over the charge. (7) Subsequent to the election and appointment of the members to the offices of the  Executive Council , Assembly Affairs and the Tribunal, the Oath of Office shall be 

administered by the out-going Speaker and in his absence by the Pro tem Speaker who  will be appointed by the GBM. 


(1) There shall be an executive organ for the Union, which shall be called the Executive  Council. 

(2) The Executive shall consist of the following members: 

  1. a) President  
  2. b) Vice-President  
  3. c) General Secretary 
  4. d) Assistant General Secretary 
  5. e) Finance Secretary 
  6. f) Women Affairs Secretary  
  7. g) Social and Cultural Secretary 
  8. h) Public Relations Secretary 
  9. i) Assistant Public Relation Secretary 
  10. j) Games and Sports Secretary 
  11. k) Assistant Games and Sports Secretary 
  12. l) Property Secretary 


(1) The Executive Council shall execute the decision(s) of the General Body Meetings. (2) The Executive Council shall present its plan/budget outlay of the incumbent tenure in the  first GBM for approval. 

(3) Executive Council shall direct the Speaker of the Assembly Affairs to convene GBM  whenever necessary.  

(4) The Executive Council shall conduct its meetings at least once a month and the quorum  for such meeting shall be three-fourths of the Executive Council. 

(5) Any member(s) of the Executive Council, failing to attend the Council Meeting(s) consecutively on three counts, shall be subjected to disciplinary action(s) which is to be  recommended by the Action Committee after due process. In the event of certain  cases/issues requiring further deliberation, the Executive Council may consult the opinion  of the House of Representatives before it is tabled in the GBM. 

(6) The Executive Council may also assign duties to the members of the House of  Representatives as and when required.

(7) The Executive Council shall organize the Annual Nagas’ Meet once in its tenure. (8) The Executive Council shall appoint Tribunal in consultation with the House of  Representatives.  

(9) The Executive Council shall appoint Action Committee members.  



(a) The President shall be the head of the Executive Council. 

(b) The President shall summon, preside or prorogue all Executive Council meetings. (c) The President is empowered to ask any Executive member to resign only when the member fails to fulfil his/her obligation(s), misuse of Union funds, or indulges in  action unworthy of his/her position. The action of the President must be reported  immediately to the General Body Meeting for approval. 

(d) All Executive power and functions of the Union rest on the President. The President  shall execute them directly or in consultation with the members of the Executive  Council. 

(e) The President may appoint a spokesperson as and when the need arises in  consultation with the Executive Council. 

(f) In case of emergency, the President shall have independent financial sanction powers,  the exercise of which shall be intimated to the Finance Committee within a week. 


(a) The Vice-President shall assume all the powers and functions of the President in the  event of absence or impeachment of the latter. 

(b) The Vice-President shall discharge the responsibilities of the Union as may be  assigned by the President from time to time. 

(c) The Vice-President shall see to the promotion of debates, symposia, and seminars  whenever deemed necessary. 

(d) The Vice-President shall in consultation with the Executive Council appoint an  Editorial Board for any publication work to which he/she shall be the ex-officio  member. 


(a) The General Secretary shall record and maintain all minutes and proceedings of the  Executive Council meetings, or any meeting conducted by the Executive Council. (b) The General Secretary shall coordinate and supervises the activities of the respective  Secretaries. 

(c) In the absence of the President and the Vice-President, the General Secretary shall, in  consultation with the Executive Council, assume the responsibilities and functions as  the head of the Union. 

(d) The General Secretary shall be responsible for the official correspondence of the  Union in consultation with President. 


(a) The Assistant General Secretary shall assume the powers and functions of the General  Secretary in the event of the latter’s absence or impeachment from the office. (b) The Assistant General Secretary shall discharge the responsibility of the Union as and  when assigned by the President or General Secretary from time to time. (c) The Assistant General Secretary shall also collect and maintain the Census record of  the students and information of educational institutes. 


(a) The Finance Secretary shall record and maintain all the financial transactions of the  Union. 

(b) The Finance Secretary shall be the Chairperson of the Finance Committee of the  Union. 

(c) The Finance Secretary, the President and the General Secretary shall be equally  responsible for the financial management of the Union. 


(a) The Women Affairs Secretary shall undertake the role of coordinating the active  participation of the women members in the activities of the Union. 

(b) The Women Affairs Secretary shall be responsible for initiating agendas from the  women and when the need arises. 

(c) In the absence of a lady member in the Action Committee, the Women Affairs  Secretary shall act as a member of the Action Committee in cases involving women  members. 


(a) The Social and Cultural Secretary shall be responsible for organizing and promoting  cultural and other social related activities. 

(b) The Social and Cultural Secretary shall discharge the responsibility of the Union as  and when assigned by the President/General Secretary from time to time. 


(a) The Public Relations Secretary shall be responsible for the wide publicity of the  programme and policies of the Union. 

(b) The Public Relations Secretary shall work for the promotion of good relations  between the Nagas and other communities and their organisations. 

(c) The Public Relations Secretary shall maintain the Union library. 

(d) The Public Relations Secretary shall initiate and maintain cordial relations with  members of the Union on behalf of the Executive Council. 

(e) The Public Relation Secretary shall collect and record the registration and  membership fees from the respective Tribal Unit Presidents. 


(a) The Assistant Public Relations Secretary shall assist the Public Relations Secretary  for the smooth functioning of the Union. 

(b) In the absence of the Public Relations Secretary, the Assistant Public Relations  Secretary shall assume the responsibilities of the former in consultation with the  other members of the Executive Council. 


(a) The Games and Sports Secretary shall be responsible for promoting game and sport  activities. 

(b) The Games and Sports Secretary shall in consultation with the Executive Council  organize Games and Sports Meet. 

(c) The Games and Sports Secretary shall be responsible for the Union’s participation in  the Game and Sport activities organized by other bodies. 


(a) The Assistant Games and Sports Secretary shall assist the Games and Sports  Secretary for the smooth functioning of the Union.

(b) In the absence of the Game and Sports Secretary, the Assistant Games and Sports  Secretary shall assume the responsibilities of the said office in consultation with the  other members of the Executive Council.  


(a) The Property Secretary shall be in-charge of maintaining the properties of the Union. (b) Use and hiring of any property of the Union shall have the consent and knowledge of  the Property Secretary. 

(c) The Property Secretary shall keep the record of the property of the Union. 


(1) There shall be a Finance Committee of the Union consisting of the Finance Secretary as  the Chairperson with the President and General Secretary as members.  

(2) The Executive Council shall have the power to appoint two additional members to the  Finance Committee as and when necessary and whose membership shall be temporary in  nature.  

(3) The Union shall seek and receive contribution from its members, well-wishers,  institutions and other organizations for its functioning. 

(4) The Finance Committee shall be responsible for all the financial transaction of the Union  and shall maintain strict accounts of the Union. 

(5) The Finance Committee shall delegate financial powers to the respective Executive  members and Committee(s) from time to time in accordance with the financial position of  the Union. 

(6) No contribution shall be received or disbursed without the unanimous decision of the  Finance Committee. Provided that nothing in this clause shall bar the President from  exercising his/her authority as provided under Article 13C (1) (f). 


1) There shall be Action Committee of the Union with a Chairperson and four other members.  

2) There shall be at least one woman member in the Action Committee and in whose  absence the Women Affairs Secretary shall be a member of the Committee in accordance  with Article 13C (6) (c).  

3) The Action Committee shall act as a disciplinary body of the Union and shall conduct its  affairs provided under Article 24A of the Constitution. 

4) The Action Committee shall perform its duties in coordination with the Executive  Council. 


(1) The General Body Meeting shall appoint an Audit Committee comprising of 3 three  members in each tenure. 

(2) The Audit Committee shall audit all accounts and financial transactions of the Union and  shall submit the report to the General Body Meeting before the tenure ends for necessary  scrutiny and approval.  


(1) There shall be a Tribunal of the Union with a Chairperson and two other members. (2) The Tribunal shall be appointed by the Executive Council with the prior consent and  consultation of the House of Representatives in accordance with Article 13 B (8) (3) The members of the Tribunal shall be appointed based on the experience of having served  the Union and well acquainted with the Constitution of the Union.  

(4) The Tribunal shall function as Constitutional Advisors to the Union.  

(5) In the event of any crisis pertaining to the operation and interpretation of the Constitution, the matter shall be referred to the Tribunal, whose decision shall be final  and binding. 

(6) In the event of a motion for the amendment of the Constitution, the matter shall be  referred to the Tribunal for examination, and thereafter, the Tribunal shall refer to the  General Body Meeting for necessary amendment(s).  


(1) There shall be an Advisory Board of the Union with a Chairperson and other two  members. 

(2) The out-going President shall be an ex-officio member of the Board. In case of his/her  permanent out-station, the Executive Council shall nominate a person who is well  acquainted with the Union, preferably, former President(s) of the Union. The other 2  (two) members shall be nominated by the Executive Council. 

(3) The Advisory Board shall aid and advice the Executive Council as and when the need  arises. 

(4) The advisory opinions or views of the Advisory Board shall not be binding on the  Executive Council. 

(5) The Tenure of the Advisory Board shall be one incumbent tenure of Executive Council.


(1) The House of Representatives shall consist of all the Executive members of the Naga  Students’ Union, Delhi, and President, General Secretary and Women Affairs Secretary of the respective Student Units.  

(2) The House of Representatives shall act as the custodian of the Union, thereby, takes  important decision with the Executive Council as and when a circumstance requires. (3) The President of the Naga Students’ Union, Delhi shall be the presiding officer of the  House of Representatives. 

(4) The House of Representative shall set up Committee(s) who shall function as per the term  of reference prescribed by the Executive Council. 


(1) All Naga tribes recognized by the Naga Students’ Federation or Naga Hoho shall form  their respective Unit Executive Bodies consisting of a President, General Secretary,  Women Affairs Secretary and such other office(s) as they deem necessary. Provided that  this clause shall not prevent the Union from exercising its powers provided under Article  8B (1) of the Constitution.  

(2) The President of the Student Unit shall be responsible for proper registration and  collection of membership fees and such other collection as required by the Union. (3) The Student Units shall be responsible for mobilization and implementation of the  programme and policies of their respective Unions in accordance with the directives of  the Naga Students’ Union, Delhi. 

(4) The degree of autonomy exercised by the Constituent Units/Unit Executive Bodies shall  be confined only within their respective Student Unit. Provided that the meaning and  extent of autonomy is to be construed within the meaning of Article 6 Clause (6) of the  Constitution. 

(5) All matters of resignation brought before the GBM shall require the approval of a simple  majority of the members present and voting. 


(1) Any resignation letter tendered by any member(s) of the Executive Council, Assembly  Affairs, Tribunal or Constitutional Committees established by GBM, must be addressed  to the Speaker, and the matter shall be forwarded to the General Body Meeting for final  decision. The approval of resignation letters so referred shall be based on a simple  majority vote. 

(2) Whereas, Speaker shall tender resignation addressed to the Deputy Speaker, and the  matter shall be forwarded therewith to the GBM.

(3) In the absence of Speaker and Deputy Speaker, resignation shall be addressed to the  President of the Union.  

(4) Whereas, any member of the Committee(s), established by the authority of the President  or the Executive Council, who desire to resign, shall address the resignation letter to the  President of Union and his/her decision on such matters shall be binding. 


(1) The tenure of the Executive Council, the Assembly Affairs, Tribunal, and Action  Committee shall be from the 1st of April to the 31st of March in a calendar year. (2) The Speaker shall remain in office until the election of all the members to the said offices  and after their election, administer the Oath of Office(s) provided under Article Twenty  Seven of the Constitution.  

(3) The tenure of all other Committees shall be one year, unless it is specified by the House  of Representative as otherwise. 

(4) In extra-ordinary circumstances, the General Body Meeting shall extend the tenure of the  Executive Council, Assembly Affairs, and Tribunal by 45 (forty five) days. (5) If elections cannot be conducted during the extended period the Council of Presidents of  Student Units shall be constituted and shall take charge of the Naga Students’ Union,  Delhi until the elections of new members.  


(1) The members of the Executive Council and Assembly Affairs shall hold office only as  long as they enjoy the confidence of the General Body Meeting. 

(2) The General Body Meeting shall take disciplinary action against any of the office  bearer(s) of the Union if he or she violates the Constitution of the Union. 

(3) No-confidence Motion may be moved against one or more member(s) of the Executive  Council and Committee member(s) established by the GBM, by submitting a written  petition duly supported and signed by at least 50 members of the Union to the Assembly  Speaker, stating the reason why the concerned member(s) should vacate the chair, duly  supported by substantial evidence(s). 

(4) However, in the event of a no-confidence motion moved against any member(s) of the  Assembly Affairs, the Executive Council, after due consultation among its members  shall convene the GBM. The President shall officiate the meeting under such  circumstances.  

(5) The concerned member(s)/ against whom a No-confidence Motion is moved shall be  called for explanation and the member(s) concerned may submit his/her explanation to  the General Body Meeting.  

(6) A 3/4th majority vote shall be required for the passage of any impeachment resolution  moved in the General Body Meeting.


(1) Every Naga is required to conduct himself/herself in a manner, which will not disgrace or  dishonour the Naga Students’ Union, Delhi as well as the Naga community in Delhi. (2) No Naga student shall misuse the facilities of the State Guest House(s) or create nuisance  within the premise(s). 

(3) Failure to observe the above rules shall authorise the Union to impose disciplinary action.  (4) If one or more member(s) of the Union individually or collectively violate(s) any part of  the Constitution in word(s), action(s) or otherwise, the Action Committee in consultation  with the Executive Council shall either summon or refer the case to the concerned  

Student Unit(s) for necessary action against the defaulter(s) as per the Constitution. (5) The Action Committee and the concerned Student Unit(s) shall investigate the matter  within seven days and prepare a report along with its recommendations. 

(6) The report and recommendation of the action to be taken shall be submitted to the  Executive Council for approval. In case of a dispute, the case shall be referred to the  House of Representatives whose decision shall be final and binding.  

(7) In the event of one or more Student Unit(s) failing to adhere to the above rules, the  Executive Council, in consultation with the Action Committee and the House of  Representatives, may veto the finding(s)/decision(s)/action(s) or resolution(s) of  that/those particular Student Unit(s) and initiate its own course of investigation and  action. 

(8) One or more members of the Union may move for motion to take disciplinary action  against one or more members of the Union by submitting a written petition to the  Executive Council. The petition shall clearly state the reason for moving the motion duly  supported by substantial evidence(s). 

(9) The decision of the General Body Meeting, by simple majority of the members present  and voting, recommending any form of disciplinary action, shall be final and binding.  


(1) No individual member including the Executive Council members or the Student Unit(s)  shall claim to represent the Naga Students’ Union, Delhi before any  Organization(s)/Forum/Fora without the consent of the Executive Council/House of  Representative. Any infringement of this provision shall be liable to disciplinary actions  under Article 7(3), Article 8A (2) and Article 23 whichever is applicable. 

(2) No individual member including the Executive Council members or the Student Unit(s)  shall endorse any particular individual or organization on behalf of the Naga Students’  Union, Delhi without the will and consent of the House of Representative. The violation of this provision shall be subjected to the disciplinary actions as mentioned under the  Article 7(3), Article 8A (2) and Article 23 whichever is applicable. 


(1) The Executive Council shall constitute an Election Commission consisting of 3 (three)  members with a Chairman from amongst them, who are active members of the Union,  who shall control, direct and supervise the election. 

(2) The Executive Council shall constitute Election Commission one month prior to the election.  

(3) The Chairman of the Election Commission shall in consultation with the members of the  commission appoint the following officers for the conduct of elections: 

(a) Returning Officer 

(b) Presiding Officer 

(c) Polling Officer 

(4) The Election commission shall be responsible for the conduct of election by: (a) Announcement of date, time and place of election schedule. 

(b) Preparation of ballot papers, nomination papers and issuing of the same.  (c) Preparation of the electoral rolls. 

(d) Scrutiny of the nomination of candidates. 

(e) Polling, counting and declaration of result. 

(5) Election Commission shall accept on the appointed date and time, the nomination  paper(s) from the candidates duly proposed and seconded by any member of the Union.  However, Election Commission may disallow any member of the Union from proposing  or seconding more than one candidate.  

(6) Withdrawal of the nomination may be done 2 (two) days before the date of election. (7) The Election Commission shall accept the appointment of 1 (one) person to be the  Polling Agent of each candidate. 

(8) In the event of tie, the Chairman of the Election Commission shall decide by draw of  lots.  

(9) The decision of the Election Commission shall be final and binding.  


(1) The election of the members of the Executive Council shall be conducted in the last  week of March in a calendar year. 

(2) The Executive Council Members are eligible for re-election.

(3) The Electoral College shall comprise of three (3) representatives from each Student Unit  comprising of the President, General Secretary and Women Affairs Secretary/Women  Coordinator.  

(4) In the event of non-availability of any of the aforementioned representatives, the  concerned Unit should submit an endorsement letter to the Speaker and the Election  Committee Chairperson stating: 

  1. a) The reason for failing to comply with the provision under Article 25 B(3) b) The name(s) of the representative(s) endorsed by the concerned Unit who are to be  appointed as substitute representatives in the Electoral College.  

(5) The mode of voting in election of the Executive Council shall be secret ballot system.. (6) In the event of post(s) declared vacant, election to the said post shall be conducted  within a period of 1 (one) month. 


(1) All the candidates nominated for election must be a bona fide Naga citizen and a  member of the Naga Students’ Union, Delhi. 

(2) The candidate must be a person of high moral integrity. 

(3) The candidate must not be affiliated to any political party (ref. Article 6(7) (4) The candidate must not be married person. 

(5) The candidate must not be a person with any criminal conviction or case pending against  him/her. 

(6) The minimum qualification for the post of President, Vice President, General Secretary,  Finance Secretary, Public Relations Secretary and the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of  the Assembly Affairs, shall be a graduate. 

(7) He/She should have a minimum residency period of One Year within the said  jurisdiction as provided under Article 6(1) and should have served in his/her capacity as  an Executive Council Member of any legitimate student organisation.  

(8) Provided, a member contending for election and appointment to the Executive Council  shall be a bona fide member of the Union. 


(1) One or more members of the Union may move for amending any part(s) of the  Constitution by submitting a petition to the Tribunal of the Union. 

(2) The Tribunal shall either accept or reject the petition. The accepted petition shall then be  tabled in the General Body Meeting for necessary resolution.

(3) The amendment petition to be passed into law shall require three-fourth majority of the  votes cast by the respective constituencies in the General Body Meeting.  

(4) The GBM after due consideration can appoint Committee(s) to look into the complexities  of the petition and shall submit its recommendation for the due consideration of the  GBM.  


(1) Oath of Office: Executive Council/ Members of the Assembly Affairs (with the  exception of the Speaker) 

I …….(name of the incumbent) do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office  of the President/Vice President/ General Secretary/…. of the Naga Students’ Union,  Delhi without fear or favour, affection or ill-will and that I will to the best of my ability,  preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and integrity of the Naga Students’ Union,  Delhi. So help me God.  

(2) Oath of Office: Assembly Affairs Speaker 

I, A.B, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the Naga  Students’ Union Delhi; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will  uphold the unity and integrity of the Naga Students’ Union, Delhi; that I take this  obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will  well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter,  without fear or favour, affection or ill-will. So help me God.  

(3) Oath of Office: Tribunal 

I, A.B, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all  the duties incumbent upon me as __________________under the Constitution of the  Naga Students’ Union Delhi; and that I will support and defend the Constitution of the  Naga Students’ Union, Delhi; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I  take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and  that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to  enter. So help me God. 


The Naga Students’ Union, Delhi was established on the 25th August 1963. The Union adopted  its constitution on the 2nd of January 1965 under a unitary system. 

 The birth of the Naga Students’ Union, Delhi was the outcome of the desire to have an  organization or union which would help and enhance the unity and solidarity of the Naga  Students and also to promote the scope of looking after the general welfare of the Naga students  in Delhi and of those to come in the future.  

The formation of the union was realized after an informal meeting convened under the auspices  of Dr. T. Toshi and M. Yehikhe Sema. On August 25th, 1963 a meeting was convened at the  residence of Mr. Chubatoshi Jamir, parliamentary Secretary at 27 South Avenue, New Delhi, the  members present were: 

(1) Dr. S.T. Toshi Ao 

(2) Mr. Yehikhe Sema 

(3) Mr. R.T. Air 

(4) Mr. Katonsen Ao 

(5) Mr. Aryo Shishak 

(6) Mr. Akong Jamir 

(7) Mr. R. Tangkhul 

(8) Mr. K. Lotha 

 The outcome of the meeting was the formation of Naga Students’ Union, Delhi. The  elected President and General Secretary were Mr. Aryo Shishak and Mr. Khromo Lotha  respectively. Mr. R.T. Aier was made the Treasure and Mr. Chubatoshi Jamir, as a Senior  Advisor. The small size of the Executive Council was in keeping with the small numbers of the  student community at that time. Since then, the Union has come a long way and gained in stature  considerably both in numbers and activities. In course of time the Constitution was drafted,  adopted and came into force on the 2nd of January 1965 with its Moto: “Strength in Unity” aimed at promoting the general welfare of the Nagas and the Naga Students’ of Delhi in  particular.

The following were the members of the Drafting Committee 

(1) Mr. Bendang Lamtur – Chairman 

(2) Mr. Michael Zhimomi -Member 

(3) Mr. Chanmayo -Member 

(4) Mr. Ahu Sakhrie -Member 

(5) Mr. Menukhol John Kenya -Member 

 However, in the course of time it became practically necessary for the Union to bring about  certain changes in the working system of the Union and the Constitution, with the objective of  making the Union a more effective and dynamic one. An agenda was endorsed through a General  Body Meeting in the month of October 1989, stating the need for changes in the Constitution  working system for a federal set-up. The issue continued to be debated for about six years, wherein views oscillated between unitary and federal system without adopting any definite  resolution. 

 It was finally resolved through the General Body Meeting held on the 21st March 1992 for re drafting of the constitution. The resolution was handed over the succeeding tenure of the  Executive Council of 1992-93 under the Presidentship of Mr. Aosenba Jamir on the 16th of  March 1993. A six-month period was given for tabling the drafted Constitution before the house  for scrutiny and necessary supplementation in the structure and thereafter, for the introduction in  the House for approval.  

The seven members drafting committee consisted of the following: 

(1) Mr. Toshi Wongtong Chairman 

(2) Mr. Amba Jamir Member 

(3) Mr. Zhalekho Member 

(4) Mr. Khekaho Sema Member 

(5) Mr. Limachan Kikon Member 

(6) Mr. Alem Member 

(7) Mr. Veduvo Member 

 Further deliberations were necessary in the House to discuss as to which system i.e. the  unitary or the federal Structure would be the best for the Union. An inevitable referendum was  avoided in the interest of the Union and a resolution was passed in favour of Quasi-Unitary  system on 9th March 1994 under the Presidentship of Mr. KedisePucho. The succeeding  Executive Council of 1994-95 under the Presidentship of NeikhoKanuoappointed a new 

Constitutional Review Committee for re-drafting the Constitution. The new Constitution was  introduced in the House for deliberation. And it was finally adopted and approved by the House  in the form of Quasi-Unitary System in the General Body Meeting held on 3rd September 1994 in  Nagaland House, R.K. Puram, New Delhi. 

The following were the members of the re-drafting committee: 

(1) Mr. Nehemiah Panmei Chairman 

(2) Mr. Toshi Wongtong ` Member  

(3) Mr. Amba Jamir Member 

(4) Mr. Abemo Udyuo Member 

(5) Mr. Kedise Pucho Member 

(6) Mr. T. Mayopam Member 

(7) Ms. Lynda Yaden Member 

(8) Ms. Buno Liegise Member 

(9) Mr. Khakaho Sema Member  

However, after experimenting with quasi-unitary set up for nearly 6 years, the union set-up an  expert committee in the year 1999 to study the working of the constitution with special reference  to Article six (6) Clauses 3 and 4 besides others and to report to the House whether the Quasi Unitary system is still relevant or a federal set-up would be a better option for the Union. But the  committee could not work out because of many unfortunate things gripping the union during that  period of time. In the year 2002, the House re-constituted a Constitution Review Committee with  the following members: 

Mr. Mathiupuang Gonmei – Chairman 

Mr. Vikheho Awomi – Member 

Mr. Keviphotsu – Member (Ex-Officio) 

Mr. Ngaranmi Shimray – Member 

Mr. Khumlo Warson – Member  

Taking full cognizance of the prevailing situations, where respective Units of the Union, most of  which have been functioning more or less like federal Units(s), without the sanction of the  Union’s constitution and after having exhaustive process of consultation with all the units, the  Committee finally decided for a federal-like structure in its meeting held on 1st February, 2003 at  R.K. Puram, New Delhi, with the objective of making the Union’s Constitution more effective  and dynamic one. While giving the Student Units, the liberty to form their own respective  Union(s), the Constitution Review Committee made it a point to ensure that all the Units  function/operate within the framework of the constitution of the Naga Students’ Union, Delhi. 

The move for devolution of power was aimed at giving space for the Units to exercise certain  autonomy within their respective affairs only for constructive and noble causes while the loyalty  of the Units to the Apex is kept reckoned for the larger interest of the Nagas a whole. Special  care is also taken not to use or mention the “Federation” in any part of the Constitution so as to  avoid any confusion/contradiction with the Naga Students’ Federation (NSF).In the newly  drafted Constitution, Special Provisions Under Article Six (6) have been incorporated to protect  and safeguard the interests of the Units(s) which are not in a position to form Union(s) due to  lack of numerical strength.  

Constitution Review Committee 2017 

In 2017, NSUD constituted a Constitution Review Committee consisting of the following  members: 

  1. Amenuo Suokhrie (Convenor) 
  2. Gideon Shadang (Member) 
  3. Maivio J Woba (Member) 
  4. Hollang Ngonamai (Member) 
  5. Sachuiba Inkah (Member) 
  6. Herangia Zeliang (Ex-Officio member) 
  7. Keveko Koza (Member) 

The Review Committee in fulfilment of it responsibility, after due deliberation and consideration  of the past experiences, re-drafted the Constitution while integrating major amendments that  were made and reasoned upon by previous Committees that were officially appointed by the  NSUD. These amendments, in their totality, were presented before the General Body Meeting in  October 2017, for its approval. Given the request made by the GBM and the various Units of  NSUD, demanding sufficient time for review, the approval was deferred to a later date. On the  23rd of March 2018, the General Body Meeting, after due consideration, added certain  amendments and was subsequently approved, paving way for its adoption by the NSUD. It is  with great satisfaction that the work, which was pending for years, has been finally completed.  However as with all laws, it is with conviction that in the later days, given the limited knowledge  and experiences that the current members have and the evolving nature of our union, there might  arise a need to review the working of the Constitution. It is up to posterity, to do what needs to  be done, so as to preserve and work for the prosperity of the Naga Community.  
