

TKLD is offering affordable PG accommodation with meals for students moving to Delhi for exam prep. Located near Burari Hospital, Laxmi Vihar, the facility costs ₹5500/month. 16 seats are available, with preference for TKLD SSC coaching students. Contact us for more details. +91 88002 73825 +91 93628 07784 +91 87610 27223


Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country – John F Kennedy The Executive council had a worthwhile and purposeful area visit to Munirka, 22/07/2023. Mingthing Kashung, Home Missionary TBCD blessed the invocation. Amidst the interaction, Munirka members gave an exceptional response with remarkable inputs. …

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“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matt 6.33) The TKLD Executives had a meaningful & significant area visit to Burari, Sant Nagar and Gandhi Vihar on 14/07/23. Rev. Luther Chamroy (TBCD Pastor) gave the invocation followed by an interactive session between …

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