TKLD is offering affordable PG accommodation with meals for students...
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The Tangkhul Katamnao Long Delhi (TKLD) is a student union of the Tangkhul Naga community with a membership of around 10, 000 people in Delhi. The TKLD became an autonomous union under the Naga Student Union Delhi (NSUD) on 1st February 2003 although it had been functioning under the Tangkhul Katamnao Delhi (TKD) since 1994.
The TKLD carries a huge responsibility to look into the well-being and affairs of the Tangkhul Community in Delhi although primarily formed for the students in Delhi. The broad areas the union look into are especially in organising events that would bring together the community, such as the Yarthot Kazip (Fresher’s Meet), Luira Phanit (Seed Sowing Festival), Sports cum Literary Meet, Seminars on various topics, and such others.